Inspired by the Wild: A Visual Storytelling Workshop, offered by author and illustrator, Lindsay Moore

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    Inspired by the Wild: A Visual Storytelling Workshop, offered by author and illustrator, Lindsay Moore

    How do you tell a story that matters? This workshop will focus on introducing some of the tools illustrators and graphic novelists use to bring clarity to a story, and capture the reader’s attention and heart. Drawing on inspiration from the natural world, students will have the opportunity to apply professional methods to their own work-in-progress pieces with a writing prompt provided in advance of the workshop, as well as follow-up material.

    This free workshop, offered as part of "Stories Told" a new community project presented by Crooked Tree Arts Center, Great Lakes Center for the Arts, Harbor Springs Festival of the Book, and Petoskey District Library, designed to help students "discover their voices," is available to schools in the following districts:

    • Beaver Island Community School 
    • Boyne Falls Public School 
    • Inland Lakes School District 
    • Pellston Public Schools 
    • Cheboygan Area Schools 
    • Char-Em ISD

    To find available dates and sign-up, click here

    stories told logo

     You can find out more about the "Stories Told" Community Project here


    CTAC "Stories Told" Programs are supported by the

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    Lindsay Moore

    Guest Instructor
    CTAC Petoskey
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